Girls in Dance Festival

In July 2025 we will hold the first ever Girls in Dance Festival, an event held in Birmingham for girls aged 13-19 years who enjoy dancing to gain insight into the dance industry, discover resources, and explore initiatives that empower girls and young dancers in their professional and personal development.

Curated and organised by the charity AWA DANCE, this will be a unique in person event that aims to celebrate girls’ futures with workshops, interactive stalls, Q&A’s and plenty of role models from leading organisations and individuals to inspire the next generation of girls in dance. This festival will put special emphasis in representation and role models, celebrating global majority artists.

We are looking for sponsors. Contact us if you want to take part or download our 

Sponsorship Package Girls In Dance Festival

Careers insights

The day will be an opportunity to find out first hand possible careers related to dance and the performing arts. You will have the opportunity to hear and try first hand how to be a photographer, a choreographer, a physiotherapist, a journalist, etc

Dance Workshops

Have you ever tried K-pop, or Kuchipudi or voguing?

You will have the opportunity to try them out from top teachers across the country

Becoming a change Maker

There are many invidivuals and organisations doing incredible things for women and girls. You can also be a change maker! But first  get to know what others are doing to inspire you!


Self-care and wellbeing are essential to counterbalance the stress life can generate

Learn about mantras, meditation, and how to take care of yourself and those around you

We are looking for partners and sponsors

Do you want to be part of our festival?

We will expose your business or organsisation to  200-300 girls at once.

Contact us to learn more about how to be part or download the

Sponsorship Package Girls In Dance Festival